
Children’s Welfare

Are children safe in today’s society? It shocked us to learn that most child abuse occurs at home and in school. Do they not have a duty to protect children? In recent years, there has been an increase in child abuse rates worldwide, raising essential questions about how to resolve these issues. Since the welfare of the entire community, as well as its growth and development, is entirely dependent on the health and well-being of its children, the importance of child welfare cannot be disregarded. 

Child Abuse

A child is physically and mentally abused when mistreated. When we read about child abuse earlier, we were shocked, but now we are becoming more accustomed to the fact that more than 1 million children suffer physical and mental abuse every year. It’s even cruel to know that every second in India, a child is abused.

How cold have people even become to abuse children under two or three years old? We could not relate to what they gain from mistreating children who do not even know how to resist.

Importance of Child Welfare

The future well-being of any nation rests on how its children grow and develop, making children its most valuable national asset. Innocence, joy, excitement, tenderness, affection, and faith are the hallmarks of childhood. Youngsters need many of these emotions to help them grow into responsible adults. Services for the welfare of children were created expressly to shield them from dangers like abuse, neglect, poverty, and lack of resources, among other things.

The best interests of the kid are always put first in child welfare, regardless of the situation.

Wrapping up

Child welfare is a current, significant social issue. By attempting to keep families together in a safe and healthy setting, child welfare is crucial to empowering kids and fostering family strength. We hope our post will help you understand how vital child welfare is to a child’s overall well-being.

Let’s hope we can go back to the time when children were not seen with lustful eyes.

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